An important component of the Department of cyberphysical and information-measuring systems is an international activity, which occurs in the form of international relations scholars from different countries to participate in international conferences and the organization of international scientific conferences, cooperation with international organizations. The Department of Cooperative arrangements Reutlingen University since 1999. Professor Gerhard Gruler, Faculty of Automation and Mechatronics Reutlingen University and Professor of the Department of Viktor Tkachev, department ACS, National Mining University coordinates the exchange of students and young scientists, as well as cooperation in the field of joint research.
Professor G.Gruler lecturing to students and staff of the National Mining University on the use of bus technology and Internet in automation. The department generates a high level of openness and integration into the international system of research and education on the basis of scientific communications. From 1999 to 2012, trained at the Reutlingen University two professors (Tkachev V., Tsvirkun L.), 9 assistants (Buck I., Khilov O., Poperechniy D., Nosan E., Boyko O., Noskin D., Bublikov A., Fabrichniy D., Lozovyagin O.), 7 students (Cherniy V., Belous A., Kmitina I., Goncharuk S., Nadtochiy S., Hachko R., Prihlenko N.) and two graduate students (Makitrenko R., Dashevsky S.). In the framework of the department transferred ACS modern means of automatic and programmable controllers and Interbus CAN software.
Together with Reutlingen University and the Department of CIMS works on the development and implementation of new teaching concepts in a virtual laboratory (using the Internet). According to the results of this work with students preparing for the publication of articles, often these students and graduate students participated in the conferences of different levels. Assistant Boyko O. for internships in Reutlingen University under the direction of Professor Gerhard Gruler participated in studies of three-dimensional surface modeling system that allows you to create highly accurate three-dimensional models, make them for further processing into the software system of three-dimensional modeling, rendering and animation. Developed real hardware and software system modeling three-dimensional surface. Together with Professor G.Gruler conducted research on the use of CAN bus when creating automation of mining. The results were published in the European Journal of CAN Newsletter № 4, 2004 Services provided are reflected in the manual with the stamp of MES "Robotics and Mechatronics", which is written by Professor L.Tsvirkun and G. Gruler and issued in 2007 Teachers of the department ACS (Tkachev, V., Kozar N., Protsenko S.) together with Professor G.Gruler, and Professor N.Noybergerom Esslingen University in 2012, written and published in Ukraine textbook on the subject "Microprocessor Technology ". German translation of the State University student has implemented National Mining University "Technical Translation" N. Prihlenko, who trained at Reutlingen University in 2010. According to the program of cooperation provided for general guidance Dissertation work graduate students and applicants. Assistant department CIMS Bublikov A. was appointed supervisor of the National Mining University Professor V.Tkachev and Professor of G.Gruler Reutlingen University. In 2009, Bublikov A. interned in Reutlingen University and completed writing the thesis, which he successfully defended in 2010. In the spring semester of the 2010-2011 school year in the National Mining University trained in the department, two students from the Reutlingen University: Victor Michael and Stefan Foler. The curricula of students this semester practical, so they participated in the creation of new laboratory with modern microprocessors and have been certified company CISCO. CISCO training program carried out teachers of the Department of ACS. Professor Gerhard Gruler, for excellence in collaboration between the University and the State Roytlingenskim universities "NMU" honorary professor at the National Mining University.
In March 2005, Professor L.Tsvirkun took part in the seminar "Development of educational programs in the field of information technology for schools", which holds the representation of Cisco Systems in Russia and the CIS. Participation in the Cisco Networking Academy Program is a way to improve the teaching of subjects related to information technology, and international cooperation. This program provides students with a comprehensive learning environment, which includes a means of online testing and performance, methods of practical, hands-on labs and lectures, developed by leading experts of Cisco Systems. For equipment for the course labs, Cisco Systems offers a discount. The seminar met Professor L. Tsvirkun the Deputy Director of Cisco Systems Networking Academy, Russia and CIS Nicolai Sandu, which was discussed the possibility of organizing a local Cisco Networking Academy at the Department of the AKC National Mining University. October 15, 2005 on a prepared and signed a cooperation agreement was registered Local Cisco Networking Academy National Mining University. Of Cisco Systems, Inc. received an official letter and certificate of registration of the Academy. Director of the Academy was appointed professor L.Tsvirkun. In 2011, the department assistants Panferova Y. and Kmitina I. received training in the Regional Cisco Networking Academy at the Kiev National University, passed the exams for certification CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) and became instructors who are certified corporation Cisco Systems. In 2010, the winners of the fourth qualifying round of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympics Cisco Networking are university students in Kharkov, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odessa and Rivne. In the final part of the Dnepropetrovsk listener Cisco Networking Academy student NMU Igor Hood. The department cooperates with the ACS AGH Academy in teaching subjects related to global computer networks and study of modern principles of management systems. Together with the teachers academy issued stamped MES tutorials "Internet community" (by R. Tadaushevich (KGMA) G. Pivnyak, V. Tkachev - NMU), in 2005, as well as a tutorial «Modelowanie komputerowe I obuczenia wspotczesnych ukladow automatyzaci »(authors P. Tadaushevich (KGMA) G. Pivnyak, V. Tkachev, V. Sharuda - NMU), 2004, 335s., which was published in Ukraine and Poland with the stamp PWS. Department of ACS |