Oleg Boyko
Since 2006, working as an assistant at the Department AI NMU.
In 2008 - Internship in Germany at the University FH Reutlingen, developed a "three-dimensional surface modeling system", implemented on the basis of an industrial robot and a personal computer. He is the author of ten publications.
Research interests - "Information technology in automation of mining machines and control technology."
Bublikov Andrey
Since 2004 he has been working at the Department of Automation and Computer Systems (ACS), the National Mining University as an assistant.
In July 2010 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, specialty 05.13.07 - "Automation of management processes. The main direction of research - automation modes mining combines on thin shallow seams.
Voskoboinikov Eugene
Since September 2010 he has been working at the National Mining University as assistant chair of ACS. There is a co-author of two publications.
Research interests - "Automatic control systems."
Zibalov Dmitry
Since September 2007 he has been working in the department as an assistant to the ACS.
Research interests - "Theory for data collection and transmission of information."
Since 2008, he has been associate dean for educational work, the Faculty of Information Technology.
Oleg Karpenko
Since 2000 he has worked as assistant chair of ACS.
The scientific work in research and development of microprocessor control systems for the mining industry. He participated in the development of top level software for the automated control of conveyor belts mines SAUKL, which was set for mass production and is operated at mines in Russia and Ukraine. He is the author of three papers.
Kozar Nikolay
In 1994, he moved from teaching and now Assistant Professor Department of Automation and Computer Systems.
The scientific work in research and development of microprocessor control systems for the mining industry. With his direct involvement was developed and introduced into production, "Automatic control system of conveyor belts" mines. For the performance of this work and active participation in research won scientific awards NMU.
Mokriy Anatoly
Research interests - "Automation of technological processes."
On 01.03.2003 he was appointed assistant to the dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering student life.
On 05.06.2002 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Institute of Electricity of life of students.
Nadtochiy Vladimir
Since 1985 he has been working in the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute. Artem assistant at the Department of the WUA.
Since 1987, he is actively engaged in research work in the direction of process automation mines.
Since 2006 - Senior Lecturer, Department of ACS.
Research interests - "Information technology in automation of mining machines and control technology."
Research topic: the automatic monitoring of the work of the conveyor transport in order to minimize energy consumption.
Protsenko Stanislav
Since 2005, Associate Professor of the ACS.
Research areas: development of control conveyor transport of mining enterprises.
Research interests - "Computer and microprocessor control systems."
He is the author of 13 scientific papers, co-wrote three textbooks and a book.
In 1983 he went to work in the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute, a post - an engineer.
In 1988 he defended his thesis.
In 1993 he began working at the Department of Automation and Computer Systems for an assistant. Since 1994 - Associate Professor.
Research interests - "Automatic control systems."
Research work - process control mining works. The number of scientific articles - 30.
Shevchenko Vladislav
From 2007 to present, Assistant Professor Department of ACE.
Research interests - "Computer and microprocessor control systems."
With his direct involvement was developed and introduced into production, "Automatic control system of conveyor belts of mines and deposits", which has been put into mass production and operation of the mines and fields of Ukraine and Russia.
He is the author of 8 papers.